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                Contact us
                • Dongguan Xinyaopeng Hardware Products Co., LTD
                • Contact:Mr. Xiao
                • Phone:0769-87516606
                • Fax:0769-87516642
                • E-mail:xinyaopeng@fossilsmedia.com
                • Website:www.fossilsmedia.com
                • Address:Building 1, No. 9, Qinghu Road, Qinghu Tou, Tangxia Town, Dongguan city

                Xinyaopeng is a professional high-tech enterprise integrating development, production and sales of precision hardware fasteners, parts, standard parts and precision hardware mold design and manufacture.

                The company takes market orientation and environmental protection as its own responsibility, and vigorously develops non-polluting, anti-corrosion, and environmentally friendly metal fastener substitutes to meet the new development needs of the 21st century.

                The company develops and operates more than 10 series of products, which are applied to automobile, wireless communication, smart home appliances, audio equipment, optoelectronic lighting, equipment and manufacturing, consumer electronics, electrical equipment and other industries.

                The company has 4 invention patents, 8 utility models, and continues to invest in research and development, the company won the "National High-tech" enterprise title in 2016.

                The company has passed the ISO9001 international certification system certification, all the raw materials of the products are in full compliance with the EU ROHS environmental standards and THE EU REACH environmental testing standards.

                "Win-win development" is the highest service purpose of Xinyaopeng Company;

                The principle of our cooperation is sincerity, mutual benefit and common development.

                "People-oriented, customer satisfaction, harmonious development" is our management requirements.

                关于鑫耀鹏 (1).png

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                Waiting for your call: 0769-87516606

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