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                Welcome to Dongguan Xinyaopeng Hardware Products Co., Ltd. Service Hotline:0769-87516606
                Product Center
                workshop appliance
                custom made


                Customers provide drawings and samples


                R&D and design products


                Mold development




                Equipment quality inspection


                Test package

                Customized advantages

                Module opening: mold opening cycle is 10-20 days, while the counterparts need 20-30 days

                Fast delivery: the delivery cycle is 3~4 days, while the counterparts need 8~10 days

                The factory covers an area of 6000 square meters, introduces advanced foreign equipment, own mold room, and independent design team

                High-tech enterprise

                honor and qualification
                ABOUT US

                ABOUT US

                Xinyaopeng is a professional high-tech enterprise integrating the design and manufacture of precision hardware fasteners, spare parts, standard parts and precision hardware molds. The company is market-oriented and environmentally friendly, and vigorously develops non-polluting, anti-corrosion, and environmentally friendly alternatives to metal fasteners to meet the new development needs of the 21st century.


                Four advantage

                More than ten years of experience in the hardware industry

                10 years of professional production of automatic lathes, precision metal processing, various metal stamping production, and mold design and manufacturing. We sell well all over the country with "high-performance quality, low-cost cost", tailor-made for customers, and create different product




                Excellent quality

                High-tech enterprise


                While you're here, why don't you leave something behind

                In order to better serve you

                Waiting for your call: 0769-87516606

                Safety Verification - Drag the slider horizontally to complete the puzzle